Ever since my first experiments with preparing my own meals while in college, I’ve been fascinated by the culinary world. I’ve spent most of my life exploring and experimenting with all aspects of food. I hope to start a food blog to explore new cuisines, restaurants, technologies, history, and ideas surrounding the world of food.
Authorship Series
Many years ago, I began a began the journey of becoming a writer. I read dozens of books on writing and publishing. Eventually, I had read so much that it became difficult to keep track of all the information. I decided to take my hundreds of pages of notes and begin synthesizing it all into something more manageable.
Digging Game
A fast-paced board game where players pit their miners against each other in a race to find the motherlode. The game will have a game board, a deck of cards, game pieces representing the players, and maybe one or two six-sided dice.
Multipotentialite Guide
A multipotentialite is someone with many interests and creative pursuits. Over the years, I’ve explored many interests and also developed practices and mental models for getting the most out of each particular interest. I’d like to write more about some of these practices for discovery, curation, and learning about the world around us.
Color Guide
Color psychology explores how hues influence emotions and behavior. The color guide will examine the impact of color choices in design and marketing, drawing from Louis Cheskin’s work and contemporary resources. It will delve into the subconscious effects of colors and their role in shaping creative decisions and viewer reactions.
The Mythstone Chronicles
In a world where magic is real and dreams become reality, the mythstones are the source of all enchantment. These powerful gems are remnants of a meteorite that fell to Earth ages ago, and only a select few know of their true potential. Those who possess a mythstone can bend reality to their will and wield unimaginable power.