One way to have a successful career as an author is to rapidly release dozens of shorter books over a relatively short period of time. A disciplined and dedicated writer can write short books as quickly as one per week, though a more sustainable pace may be one per month.
Travel Destination Maps
My vision for this project is to build interactive maps showing every destination travelers may be interested in. I would use my travel destination rating system to rank the destinations so that it’s easier for people to build itineraries using the maps.
Story Generator
New ideas come from the melding of old ideas. Fiction writers should embrace random generators to aid in brainstorming new ideas for their stories. It would be helpful for authors to have a resource for generating random story elements to aid in brainstorming for stories.
Seasoned Coffee
Store-bought flavored coffee is almost always flavored with natural or artificial flavors. Even when flavored with “natural” flavors, the flavorings are still highly processed and often taste “fake.” But what if we truly flavored our coffees naturally?
Ultimate Bucket List
A “bucket list” is a list of life experiences you would like to have before you die, or “kick the bucket” as the expression goes. I’d like to build the ultimate bucket list, which one could use as a menu of valuable life experiences to choose from.
History through Movies
In a way, you can think of movies as books in video format. Instead of reading stories, you’re watching them. I’d always thought it would be neat to see a timeline of the settings of historical movies. My vision of the perfect historical movie timeline is one that is searchable to create custom lists of movies, and takes into account the quality of the movies for historical learning purposes.