I’ve been an avid baseball collector for most of my life. However, there are some cards that I would like to own, but probably never will. For instance, I would like to own a 1957 Mickey Mantle, a 1953 Jackie Robinson, and a Nolan Ryan rookie card for my collection. But just acquiring these three cards would likely cost at least a couple thousand dollars.
My solution? Make my own replicas of these cards. Here are some examples of replica cards I made out of cardstock, an inkjet printer, and graphics software:

But why stop at making replica cards? Why not design new cards?
There are some cards I would like to own, but simply don’t exist. I’d like to own a 1954 Topps Stan Musial card. Neither Topps nor Bowman made a card for Stan Musial in 1954. By designing my own custom baseball cards, I can finally have a 1954 Topps Stan Musial card, albeit a fake one created by my own imagination.
I’ve also always dreamed of designing my own sets of baseball cards. Perhaps I can do so now.
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