More than a thousand years after the cataclysm of 2030, the few survivors are rebuilding a new society over the ashes of the old. It’s a medieval society, and it is quite brutal.
Travel Site
I love to travel with my family. I’d like to create an extensive travel site filled with notes, travel logs, itineraries, and travel tips and tricks gleaned from my travels with my wife and three kids.
Advice for the Ages
The advice we give and the advice that we’re willing to take changes as we age. In each season of life, we face a different set of problems and seek a different set of answers. The issues that a teenager ponders are much different from the concerns of an octogenarian. This is a compilation of a few quotes and books, grouped by the ages of the people who said or wrote them.
Children’s Books
I have three kids and have read hundreds, if not thousands of children’s books to my kids over the years. I would like to write a few children’s books before my kids grow up. I have many ideas.
Weird World
I started writing Weird World to help myself break procrastination and get into the habit of writing long-form fiction every day. I haven’t come up with a plot or direction yet. So far the story is organically developing into a children’s chapter book with supernatural and mystery elements to it.
Sometimes, I get an idea that doesn’t quite work as a story, but is best suited as a poem. Other times, I have an idea of a fun constraint for generating poetry. I’ll publish poems on my website from time to time as the mood strikes.