1K Bets is my place to experiment with different types of investments. I like to make $1,000 investments in various ventures in an attempt to find new ways to beat the market.
Flash Fiction Magazine
Publishing your short stories and flash fiction on a blog can offer several potential benefits, including visibility, portfolio development, and experimentation, among others.
Research Notebook
I read a lot of books. When I read books, I’m typically reading to learn new ideas that I can apply to my life. Shock Notes is a synthesis of my reading notes.
Author Website
An author’s website is a valuable tool for marketing, sales, communication, and overall brand-building. It helps authors establish an online presence, attract new readers, and maintain a strong relationship with their existing fan base.
StormShock Media
StormShock Media is now the control hub of my 10-Year Plan. Each month, I do as much work as I can to bring one of my best ideas to fruition.